The EAIH Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma integrates Hypnotherapy, Counselling, Coaching, NLP and Thought Field Therapy in one course and is accredited by The General Hypnotherapy Standards Council.
It can be a springboard to a new career or as an addition to your existing therapy skill set.
This course is run once a year and starts October in Norwich and is one weekend a month over 10 consecutive months. This training is about quality not quantity so the trainers only come together to run this course once a year.
Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma Course Content
The structure of the annual course is 10 weekend modules over 10 months, culminating in a consolidation and assessment 2 day module. All modules must be completed successfully in order to attain the Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma.
The following is a comprehensive outline of the course content. However the tutors reserve the right to change the order and schedule at any time to tailor the training to the group dynamic and learning pace:
Weekend 1 – Introduction to the Art of Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy
- Integrative Philosophy
- Hypnosis Introduction and History
- Self Hypnosis
- Suggestibility Tests
- Inductions
- Deepeners
- Ideo-Motor Responses
- Post Hypnotic Suggestions
- Hypnotic Language Patterns
- Milton Erickson
- Milton Model
- Hypnotic Practice

Weekend 2 – Counselling Skills
- Introduction to Counselling
- Rapport and Sensory Acuity
- Body Language
- Meta Model Questioning
- Listening & Questioning Skills
- Confidentiality & Ethics
- Egan 3 stage Model

Weekend 3 – Introduction to Psychotherapy
- Introduction to Psychodynamic Theory
- Humanistic Theory
- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
- Petruska Clarkson’s Five Elements of the Therapeutic Relationship
- Transference, Counter Transference and Projection
- Emotional Intelligence
Weekend 4 – NLP Therapy
- NLP Introduction and Presuppositions
- The Art and Science of NLP
- Eye Accessing Cues
- NLP Therapy Model
- Sub-modalities – Code of Change
- Visual/ Auditory/ Kinaesthetic Reprocessing
- Reprocessing Trauma and Negative Events
- Cognitive Thinking Control
- The Art of State Management
- Anchors

Weekend 5 – NLP Coaching
- Introduction to NLP Coaching
- Well Formed Outcome
- NLP Logical Levels
- Perceptual Positions
- Wheel of Life
- SWOT Analysis
- SMART Goals
- Successful Coaching Models

Weekend 6 – NLP Therapy / Thought Field Therapy
- NLP Therapy Integration
- Fears and Phobias
- Addiction
- Anxiety
- Confidence
- Introduction to TFT, Science and Key Concepts
- Architecture of TFT
- Tapping Points
- TFT Algorithms
- Psychological Reversal
- The TFT Protocol
- TFT in Hypnotherapy Practice

Weekend 7 – Hypnotherapist Toolkit
- Session Structure
- Stop Smoking
- Weight Loss
- Anxiety/Panic Attacks
- Confidence
- Pain Management
- Depression
- Working with Children
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
- Practice Management & Marketing

Weekend 8 – Analytical Hypnotherapy
- Ericksonian Hypnotherapy
- Guided Affective Imagery
- Age Regression
- Past Life Regression
- False Memory Syndrome
- Timelines
- Gil Boyne
- Mindfulness
- Trio Therapy Practice

Weekend 9 – T.A Hypnotherapy
- Abraham Maslow and Hierarchy of Needs
- Eric Berne and ‘Games People Play’
- Transactional Analysis
- Life Scripts
- Gestalt Therapy
- Carl Rogers Person Centred Therapy
- Awareness and Mindfulness
- Trio Therapy Practice

Weekend 10 -Consolidation and Assessment Module
The aim of this module is to consolidate the learning from the whole of the training course through the emphasis on practical therapy work to develop competence and confidence prior to going into private practice. The following subjects will be covered in this module:
- Trio Therapy Practice
- Practice Management
- Practical Assessments
- Q&A
This course can be completed within 10 months and the next course will start soon at The Norwich Wellbeing Centre in Norwich.
Click for Dates and Venue Details.
Book your interview on 01603 626477 and find out more.